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News & Announcement
TIAC ADR services include Commercial arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Negotiation and Neutral evaluations.
TIAC, therefore, aiming to facilitate, on a non-profit basis, time- and cost-effective dispute resolution accommodating specific needs ..
TIAC runs a programme that ensures competent and continued capacity building to ADR practitioners..
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Tanzania International Arbitration Center [TIAC]
TIAC provides alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services, which are international and domestic commercial arbitration, adjudication, mediation, and conciliation. TIAC is operationally independent from the Government, by maintaining a high-quality panel of arbitrators and mediators, who are known for their integrity, impartiality, and expertise for effective resolution of disputes out of court. Read More
Our Vision
To be recognized as the first choice for arbitration and mediation in East and Central Africa.
Our Mission
To enhance the role of arbitration and other dispute resolution mechanisms as a selfindependent system, spreading the ADR culture, developing and facilitating the training of a new generation of alternative dispute resolution practitioners by setting high standards of quality.