The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Forum

The Tanzania International Arbitration Centre (TIAC) is organizing The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Forum themed The Role of (ADR) in Access to Justice for Economic growth: Realizing the Full Potential of ADR in Promoting Access to Justice and Fostering Economic Growth”   scheduled to take place on 21st   June 2024 in Arusha.

The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Forum is a valuable platform established by TIAC for the purpose of fostering a vibrant ADR community and contributing to the professional growth of practitioners in Tanzania. The forum is a proactive initiative promoting international best practices for building a robust ADR community.

The forum will be preceded by two trainings that will take place  for three days before the forum with the goal of providing ADR practitioners with the best knowledge and skills possible, leading to improved standards of ADR practice. The best ADR practitioners with a renowned level of expertise are expected to facilitate the training and impart knowledge to the training participants.

The  training and the ADR Forum is open to lawyers and other professionals.


Session A:

Course tittle : “The art of good negotiation: essential Practical legal skills for every Lawyer”

Time: From 09:00 am – 04:00 pm

Date : 18th – 20th June 2024

Venue: Lush Garden Hotel – Arusha

Session B:

Course tittle :  “Plea Bargaining as an ADR Mechanism in the Criminal Justice system”

Time: From 09:00 am – 04:00 pm

Date : 18th – 20th June 2024

Venue: Lush Garden Hotel – Arusha

All participants will be awarded a Certificate of Participation

Fee : TZS. 1,200,000/=

Note: This fee will cover one training session (18-20), the ADR Forum 21st  June 2024 and The Forum Safari (Tourism) on 22nd  June 2024

All payments for this training should be made through the below bank account.

Bank Name: NMB Bank,  Account No: 24810004193,  Account Name: Tanzania International Arbitration Centre

We encourage all those who are interested in attending the training and the ADR Forum to register and make payments before 15th  June  2024.

For  payment and registration please contact: Mr. Eliabi Nyato +255 652 265 669 email:  

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Our Model Arbitration Clause

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, relating to or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the TANZANIA INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CENTRE (TIAC) Arbitration Rules. The seat of arbitration shall be Dar es Salaam, Tanzania [or choose another city]. The language of the arbitration shall be English [or choose another language]. The number of arbitrators shall be one [or three, or delete this sentence and rely on Article 8 of the TANZANIA INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION CENTRE (TIAC) Arbitration Rules]”.